How To Record Ppp Loan Forgiveness

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has provided much-needed financial relief to businesses during challenging times. Once a PPP loan is forgiven, it is essential to correctly record the forgiveness in your accounting records. This article will guide you through the process, ensuring compliance and accuracy in your financial statements.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding PPP Loan Forgiveness
  2. Eligibility Criteria for PPP Loan Forgiveness
  3. Steps to Apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness
  4. Recording PPP Loan Forgiveness in Accounting Records
    • Initial Loan Recording
    • Recording Forgiveness
  5. FAQs about PPP Loan Forgiveness

Understanding PPP Loan Forgiveness

The PPP loan, part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, was designed to provide financial assistance to small businesses to keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. If the funds are used for eligible expenses, such as payroll costs, rent, utilities, and mortgage interest, the loan can be forgiven, effectively turning it into a grant.

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Eligibility Criteria for PPP Loan Forgiveness

To be eligible for PPP loan forgiveness, businesses must meet specific criteria, including:

  • Using at least 60% of the loan for payroll costs.
  • Spending the remaining 40% on eligible non-payroll expenses.
  • Maintaining employee and compensation levels.

Understanding and adhering to these criteria is crucial to ensure full or partial forgiveness of your PPP loan.

Steps to Apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness

  1. Review Eligible Expenses: Ensure that the funds were used for eligible expenses within the covered period (8 to 24 weeks from loan disbursement).
  2. Complete the Forgiveness Application: Fill out the SBA Form 3508, 3508EZ, or 3508S, depending on your business's circumstances.
  3. Submit the Application: Submit the completed application and required documentation to your lender.
  4. Await Lender and SBA Review: Your lender will review your application and forward it to the SBA for final approval.

Recording PPP Loan Forgiveness in Accounting Records

Initial Loan Recording

When you receive the PPP loan, it should be recorded as a liability on your balance sheet.

Journal Entry:

Debit: Cash (Bank Account) $XXX Credit: PPP Loan Payable (Liability Account) $XXX

Recording Forgiveness

Once the loan is forgiven, the liability needs to be removed from your balance sheet and recorded as income.

Journal Entry:

Debit: PPP Loan Payable (Liability Account) $XXX Credit: PPP Loan Forgiveness Income (Other Income) $XXX

This entry removes the loan from your liabilities and recognizes it as income, reflecting the forgiveness.


Recording PPP loan forgiveness accurately is vital for maintaining correct financial records. By understanding the eligibility criteria, following the proper steps to apply for forgiveness, and making the correct accounting entries, you ensure compliance and clarity in your financial statements.

FAQs about PPP Loan Forgiveness

1. What documentation is needed for PPP loan forgiveness?

You will need payroll reports, bank statements, tax forms, receipts for eligible expenses, and the PPP loan forgiveness application form.

2. How long does the forgiveness process take?

After you submit your application, the lender has 60 days to review it and the SBA has 90 days to make a final decision.

3. What happens if only part of my loan is forgiven?

If only part of your loan is forgiven, the remaining balance must be repaid according to the terms of the PPP loan agreement.

4. Is the forgiven loan amount taxable?

According to the IRS, the forgiven loan amount is not considered taxable income for federal income tax purposes.

5. Can I appeal a forgiveness decision?

Yes, if your forgiveness application is denied or partially approved, you can appeal the decision through the SBA.

Understanding and following the proper procedures for recording PPP loan forgiveness helps ensure your business remains compliant and accurately reflects its financial status. For more detailed information, refer to the official guidelines provided by the SBA and consult with a professional accountant if necessary.

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